Many pests have become immune to commonly-used pesticides, which has led to increasing interest in alternative means to fight them off. One of the most effective and eco-friendly ways is to use garden plants to naturally repel unwanted pests.
Marigolds are known to attract beneficial insects, which help not only pollinate but also control some pests, while also helping to repel mosquitoes and nematodes.
Nematodes, also known as roundworms, are organisms that live in the soil, and many of them attack garden plants. The marigold roots release a toxic chemical (alpha-terthienyl), which inhibits the hatching of nematode eggs. However, not all marigold varieties are as effective as the Tagetes patula variety, which is the best option to control the population of roundworms.
Marigolds are also known for their mosquito-repelling qualities, especially when in full bloom. Their beautiful radiance abates the blood-sucking insects and is often used to control mosquito-infested areas. For these plants to flourish, they require full sun and well-drained soil. A rapid blooming is aided best when the soil is supplemented with compost.
Lavender has a pleasant smell and has long been used to repel moths, fleas, and mosquitoes. It’s a perennial herb that is also drought-resistant, which makes it ideal for areas that have to watch out for their water consumption.
This plant loves sunny areas and is best planted near entryways to keep pests away. You can also hang dried lavender in your closet to repel moths and avoid having to worry about them eating your clothes.
You can also use lavender oil on your skin as a mosquito repellant. It also has a calming effect and is known to aid sleep.
This beautiful and tasty plant to humans helps repel many types of pests, even mice. You can grow it in a small pot, just make sure you place it in a sunny area and give it enough water. The best variety of mint against pests is peppermint, as it has the highest levels of menthol.
Not only does it help protect your garden, but a fresh plant inside your kitchen wards off ants, mosquitoes, flies, and sometimes even spiders and roaches. You can use fresh mint leaves to make a DIY spray, which you can use in areas you worry bugs might appear. Of course, if you have a full-blown infestation, it’s always better to let pest control professionals tackle the issue.
However, be mindful of the fact that mint spreads quickly, and can be hard to remove, so your best option is to keep it in pots. Harrod Horticultural offers some excellent containers options, which you could use to place mint around your garden and repel many types of insects, including mosquitoes.
Lemongrass is used in cooking to flavour dishes, but the best thing about it is that it contains citronella, a natural oil that repels mosquitoes. The plant can grow about 4 feet (ca. 122 cm) tall, and it is really easy to grow and will thrive in different types of soil. It’s also a natural bee, lizard, and even snake and rodent repellent.
Consider planting it along the porch, walkway, as well as seating areas. It grows really well in a pot, or in the soil in a sunny, well-drained location. It’s best to bring it inside during the colder seasons, as it is naturally a tropical plant that loves warm and humid weather.Citronella, the essential oil found in lemongrass, is registered with the FDA and is a natural mosquito repellent. It is also an ingredient commonly found in candles, sprays, and lotions.
Chrysanthemums (also called Mums) may not repel mosquitoes so much but are known to drive away ticks, fleas, ants, and other types of insects. They contain a neurotoxin called Pyrethrin that attacks the nervous system of insects and kills them, yet it is safe for pets, birds, and most animals.
The compound is also becoming quite popular as a pest control choice, since it’s biodegradable and breaks down with light and oxygen exposure. You can also make your own spray by grinding dried leaves into a powder to kill and repel insects.
Chrysanthemums are best used as companion plants to drive away such pests as leafhoppers, spider mites, cabbage worms, and root nematodes. They are also perennial plants that love a well-draining soil and consistent humidity. Mums are best planted in the spring, and they bloom in autumn, that’s why they’re also known as the November flower. Harrod Horticultural also offers some excellent mulch, which you can use to protect Mums from the adverse effects of the cold autumn weather.
Nasturtiums are another companion plant you could use to fight off insects. When planted with tomatoes and cucumbers, they ward off whiteflies, cucumber beetles, and squash bugs.
Some people use them as trap crops to lure away insects, so if you want to apply that method, be prepared to plant a considerate number of sacrificial plants away from those you want to protect. If you want to protect your rose garden, nasturtiums are an excellent way to draw the aphids away from the roses.
Nasturtiums love full sunlight and moist and well-drained soil. They are planted early in the spring and prefer poor soil. Using fertiliser will, however, create lush, green plants instead of flowers.
A herb native to the Mediterranean region, it’s well-known and commonly used in food recipes, as well as in medicine. It also helps keep flies and mosquitoes away, especially during a cookout, when you can throw just a few sprigs on the grill and let the aromatic smoke chase these annoying insects away.
The woody smell of the herb helps keep cabbage moths and carrot flies away as well, while the plants themselves can be pruned in all kinds of ways, either to make borders or decorations. Harrod Horticultural offers some excellent scalloped border restraints to help restrain annuals, perennials, and small shrubs and bushes.
Rosemary loves well-drained, sandy soil with plenty of sunlight. The plant thrives in warm and humid conditions but cannot tolerate extreme cold, so sometimes it’s best grown in pots and transported indoors during winter.
Using plants to naturally protect our gardens and homes is a smart, eco-friendly alternative to using chemicals, which do not only have adverse effects on pests but sometimes on humans and pets as well. You will want to consider your specific needs first, and then with a few strategic choices, you can enjoy a well-protected home and garden.