Pepinieres Delphwood

  • 4 June 2021 4:56 pm


For lovers of plants with that tropical feel, Greetings from Delphwood Nurseries in the heart of Charentes France, We specialise in winter hardy hibiscus, These beauties flower all summer till autumn, these are not the common Syriacis hibiscus that flowers for two weeks,

We also grow other shrubs; trees and herbaceous plants that have a Feel of the tropics BUT that are winter hardy down to zone 6 this category covers most of southern england and most of France, where temperatures can go down to minus 15°c to 20°c. Our collection of hardy tropical plants is growing by the day as we research all over the world for new and exiting plants, the majority of our collection belongs to the Malvaecea family these are better known to you as lavateria, corynabutilon and of course the famous Hibiscus family. we only grow plants that have that tropical and exotic look, so sorry no roses, hollyhocks, fuchsias etc.(check out our links for local nurseries that grow these plants.) All our treasures are planted out in our botanic gardens at the nursery which is set in stunning scenery of rolling hills and surrounded by the forest

You are invited to visit the gardens in the summer and autumn to see all of the different species of plants and trees that we grow, you will see in our galleries the photos of our plants, all plants are for sale at the nursery and wholesale inquiries are welcome, Regrettably we do not do mail order, but it can be arranged.
Please check out the exiting hedging shrub "Hibiscus Huella"from Chile latin name is corynabutilon vitifolium this grows 1point 5 meters a year!!! this flowering shrub/tree is semi evergreen and flowers in spring and again thru the summer. with colours from pure white to deep purple

As our passion for that tropical look is paramount to our raison d’etre or rather our love of plant culture, This year we have changed horses in mid stream so to speak, with the almost dramatic changes in climate last year and this year has been eaqualy shocking we are dedicated now to growing only the most winter hardy of the tropical plants in our collections, as we always do field trials on any plant that we grow, this year we had many surprises after the winter ended, our lovely hardy "figue de barbary" cactus came thru minus 20°c with flying colours and the gorgeous corynabutilon "Huella" a rapid growing shrub hibiscus from chile, didn’t even drop a leaf! Currently the climate both economically and climaticly are dictating that our customers are less tolerant of loosing plants to the winter than in times gone by.needless to say there are areas within europe that may be more cold than others so we feel that the american zone system gives you a good idea of what you can grow in your area. In general we will concentrate our efforts on the totally hardy, hibiscus and other facinating winter hardy tropical trees and shrubs



greek basil
curly leaf parsley
flat leaf parsley



texas star scarlet
hibiscus Coccineus

texas star alba
Hibiscus Coccineus

newbiscus XXL
winter hardy extra large flowers

Hibiscus southern belle

Hibiscus galaxy

Hibiscus pink flush

Hibiscus militaris

Hibiscus palustrist

In the botanic garden you can find all of these plants in all there glory:

coccinaus red

coccinaus alba



galaxy mix

kopper king

pink flush


newbiscus XXL

southern belle mix

sweet caroline


Contact Us At

Delphwood Nursery
La Foretêrie
Land line 0033 (0)5 45 71 44 51
Mobile 0033 (0)6 10 85 11 87
