
  • 4 June 2021 4:44 pm
  • Somerset, England


Willowbank is the leader in the development of natural engineering solutions for water erosion for lakes ponds and rivers, slope stabilisation and conservation situations. We provide an end-to end service offering consultancy and design through to full project management, installation and maintenance.

Depending on the situation the revetment techniques that we use inculde willow spiling, faggots (both live and dead) for bank protection or groyne construction, gabion baskets, coir rolls.

Please call us on 01823 690113 for help, advice or a site visit

Site visits arranged throughout UK
Materials supplied if required
Water course maintenance
River bank Restoration
Slope stabilisation
Liaison with the Environment Agency

Willowbank is the leader in the development of natural engineering solutions for water erosion, slope stabilisation and conservation situations. We have a proven track record in delivering solutions for our clients in the most effective and environmentally-kind manner. We have been developing bio-engineered bank protection systems for more than 15 years and are committed to on-going research and development.

Our resources include extensive withybeds offering many different varieties, our own yard for processing the willow and manufacturing prefabricated products, skilled site staff for installation and a qualified civil engineer with considerable experience of river works and river bank erosion.

Our customers are both private and business landowners and managers, but what they have in common is ownership or stewardship of a stretch of water – the banks of which are wearing away- and which they want remedied without using solely hard solutions such as steel, concrete and thick timber pilings.

We offer an end-to-end service to provide project consultancy and design through to full project management, installation, materials and maintenance. We have a multidisciplinary team who use an holistic approach to problem-solving for private and public sector clients. The diversity of skills, knowledge and experience present in the company lies at the heart of our reputation for innovative and natural engineering solutions.

Contact us – click here

willowbanktitle2resizeresize.gif Click on the logo to visit our sister company English Hurdle, one of the UK’s foremost producers of natural willow products.


Curload Stoke St. Gregory Taunton Somerset,TA36JD,Somerset,England