European Boxwood and Topiary Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:44 pm


European Boxwood and Topiary Society

We are a European body with active membership in the UK, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Further relationships in Italy, Portugal and Spain are currently being developed.

Each country is responsible for running its own organisation within the overall framework of our Vision and Aims, and under the corporate governance of EBTS Europe.

A longstanding and very strong relationship with The American Boxwood Society (ABS) in Virginia, USA has been in existence for many years and which we value greatly.

Our members comprise garden historians, writers, garden designers, scientists, nurserymen, great garden owners and professionals, as well as the many fine amateur gardeners who are the backbone of the whole culture of gardens.

We are a “not for profit” organisation with members paying an annual fee to their own respective country organisations.
Our annual flagship magazine is called Topiarius and is issued to all members in Europe.

Please visit our website for more information


EBTS PO Box 125 Newbury Berkshire,RG209LY