• 4 June 2021 4:45 pm


TV gardening celebrity, Charlie Dimmock showed her commitment to compost today (Wednesday 14th June 2006) by launching the UK’s first ‘Compost Charter’ at BBC Gardeners’ World Live (14th-18th June 2006, the NEC, Birmingham).


The Compost Charter, organised by the Recycle Now Home Composting and Know Your Compost campaigns, is designed to raise awareness of the pivotal role that composting can play in reducing the amount of household waste sent to landfill.

Visitors to the show are being encouraged to do their bit for the environment by either pledging to start home composting, or begin using peat-free composts in the garden. Those already composting are also invited to sign the charter and make their pledge to keep up the good work.

Visitors to the Show can make their pledge by stepping on board the famous Compost Bus (stand HS49). Fresh from its nationwide tour and appearance on BBC Gardeners’ World, the open-topped, double-decker is hard to miss with its blooming roof-top garden, complete with interactive information centre on the lower deck.

It is hoped that at least 5,000 people will pledge their commitment to compost during the show, with the number of those signing up being monitored via a giant ‘compost-o-meter’.

Charlie Dimmock said: “I’d urge as many people as possible to make a pledge and commit to compost. Amazingly around 30 million tonnes of waste comes from our homes each year! With up to 10 million tonnes of that being biodegradable, home composting is a simple and effective way to help protect the environment – yet only a third of us are doing it.

“We also throw away millions of tonnes of garden waste every year. That’s waste equivalent to filling the Royal Albert Hall with grass cuttings, prunings and leaves more than 70 times over that is sent to landfill. Yet those green materials can be successfully recycled and used to make great quality peat-free and reduced peat composts which do a first class job in the garden.”

Charlie will be showing her support for composting on both Wednesday 14th and Saturday 17th June, when she will host ‘Perfect Planting Clinics’ from the Compost Bus, offering top tips for planting up pots and containers using compost:

– Wednesday 14th June: 12.30pm

– Saturday 17th June: 10.30am and 12pm

In addition, Home Composting Advisors will be on hand to give daily ‘Compost Clinics’ at 11am and 2.30pm (excluding the 11am clinic on both Wednesday 14th and Saturday 17th June), offering advice on how to start home composting and how to get the best from your bin.

There will also be giveaways, vouchers and fact-sheets available on the bus, along with a competition run in partnership with DHL, who provide the home delivery service for the Recycle Now low cost compost bins schemes across the UK, to win £750 worth of garden vouchers every day of the show.

For further information on the Recycle Now Home Composting or the Know Your Compost Campaign, please visit
