Edible Flower Plants – CLICK HERE

Fruit Plants – CLICK HERE

Garlic and Onions – CLICK HERE

Herb Plants – CLICK HERE

Lettuce and Salad Plants – CLICK HERE

Potatoes – CLICK HERE

Tomato Plants – CLICK HERE

Vegetable Plants – CLICK HERE




Garden Arches, Gazebos, Pergolas, Obelisks, Trellis and Screens – CLICK HERE

Fruit Cages and Netting – CLICK HERE

Cloches and Tunnels – CLICK HERE

Plant Frames and Supports – CLICK HERE

Propagation – CLICK HERE
Pots and Planters – peas, beans, tomatoes – CLICK HERE
Growhouses and Cold Frames – CLICK HERE
Vegetable Growing – CLICK HERE
Fruit Growing – CLICK HERE
Plant Supports – CLICK HERE
Harrod Horticultural:
Fruit Cages Steel and Aluminium Fruit CagesCLICK HERE
Raised Beds CLICK HERE
Planters – CLICK HERE
Garden Arches, Pergolas and Screens –CLICK HERE
Obelisks and Plant Supports –CLICK HERE
Greenhouses and Equipment –CLICK HERE
Garden ToolsCLICK HERE
Watering – Garden Buts, Watering Cans –CLICK HERE
Composting – Tumblers, Compost BinsCLICK HERE
Garden Furniture – Southwold Collection –CLICK HERE

Vegetables That Are Great For Growing In An Indoor Garden

Whether you are bound inside due to a winter storm or you live in a city with no room to spare for a vegetable garden, that shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your green thumb. In fact, indoor gardening has become quite a trendy movement with technology advancing in a way that lets us garden year-round. There has been an uptick while farming has seen a slow decrease.

There are so many benefits like not having to buy your vegetables from the grocery store and knowing exactly where they come from. The process itself is incredibly rewarding as there is nothing like picking your crop. Having said that, some vegetables fare better indoors than others. That’s why it’s worthing knowing these vegetables that are great for growing in an indoor garden.


Nibbling on carrots all day long isn’t just for the bunnies. Carrots are one of the best vegetables that thrive in an indoor setting. You’ll want to use a deep enough put because carrots need more vertical space than they do for their wingspan. They’re also a vegetable that will need plenty of sunlight (more than 12 hours) so make sure they get a nice spot near the window.

You can expect this process to last between 60-80 days as long as they are at the right temperature. Anywhere around 60 degrees will work which is why they do great indoors!


You may have seen a lot of people using cool technology like AeroGarden to grow herbs indoors. You can also do it the exact same way you would outside which makes it versatile indoors and outdoors. Keep in mind that they need 12-16 hours of sunshine which is a lot so you need to consider your climate and what other resources you have to provide this.

The best temperature for these guys is around 70 degrees which makes it great for those in summer months or year-round warm weather. Basil, oregano, chives, mint, and parsley, are just a few herbs you can work with.


Microgreens are nutrient-dense and becoming ingredients popular as snacks and garnishes. They’re also great to put in smoothies for an extra health boost. These are cool-tolerant veggies that need about 12 hours of sunlight a day. This is very similar to leafy greens.

You can expect to pick your crop only two to three weeks after planting them. Also, consider keeping these cool and airtight until ready for use since they are incredibly delicate and sensitive to temperature.

Hot Peppers

We love a good salsa verde and that’s why growing hot peppers inside is some of the most exciting news ever. Expect to keep your peppers in the light all day considering they need 14-30 hours. Like carrots, you will want to use a pot that allows for room to grow vertical so anywhere around eight inches tall will do.

These are also vegetables that are not just hot n flavor but also thrive in warmer climates. You’ll need to keep their temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit for them to really work.


Tomaytoe. Tomahtoe. However, you say it we love working with tomatoes indoors. Following in the footsteps of their other friends they need about 14-30 hours of light each day. They are also a warm-weather plant meaning they go well with hot peppers because they also need to be at 70-degrees Fahrenheit.

Both hot peppers and tomatoes are self-pollinating. This means that they can reproduce themselves from one plant. Shake them a little to get their pollen to spread and you may just have a grand tomato harvest.

Tips For Growing Vegetables Indoors

Starting out indoors for the first time may be daunting. There is usually a little bit of trial error since you need to find areas the produce a lot of light and work with different temperatures. That’s why these are some of the best tips for growing vegetables indoors.

  1. Start with cool-tolerant leafy greens and simialr veggies. These are some of the easier ones to work with because you can harvest them really at any time. This is spinach, kale, arugula, etc.!
  2. Keep your indoor garden in as much of a kid and pet free zone as possible. It’s tempting to one to play with the pots and dirt and it’s all too common to see our soil all over the living room floor.
  3. Where it concerns temperature you want to find a place it will remain consistent. You don’t want it to be drafty or drop too much overnight. This is one of the bigger challenges for vegetables that love warmer temperatures.
  4. Don’t be shy to use systems like an AeroGarden which is a hydroponics system. These methods help you do the work by meeting more difficult standards indoors. For instance, while they vary system to system, they likely use growing lights to meet those needs.
  5. If you don’t have a lot of space don’t worry! One of the newest trends is called vertical gardening or vertical farming. You’ll likely see plants stacked on the wall almost like a book shelf. It is perfect for those who live in apartments or one to contain their garden to a small area indoors.

Let the Fun Begin

Growing vegetables indoors is a process most don’t think is possible. It doesn’t have to be a messy disaster and you can keep it as big or as small as you want. While of course growing indoors typically takes longer than growing outdoors you can still get a beautiful product. Microgreens and leafy greens are going to be the easiest to deal with so if you are a beginner start there!

If you are up for a challenge work with vertical growing vegetables like peppers and carrots. You can use skinner pots for these guys. However, peppers and tomatoes are warm-climate vegetables which bring on a different set of challenges.

Regardless of whether you are harvesting herbs for fresh toppings or tomatoes for caprese salad it’s all doable if you meet their needs!