Biddulph Grange Garden

  • 4 June 2021 4:45 pm


Biddulph Grange Garden

A rare and exciting survival of a high Victorian garden

Designed in the mid-19th century by James Bateman to display specimens from his extensive and wide-ranging plant collection, the garden is set out in a series of connected ‘compartments’. Visitors are taken on a journey of discovery through tunnels and pathways to individual gardens inspired by countries around the world — from the tranquility of a Chinese garden or an Egyptian Court to a formal Italian garden

Name and credits for images of Biddulph Grange

Reference: 138743

Description of image – The Italian garden at Biddulph Grange looking towards the house. The borders on either side of the path are ribbon planted with annuals & Irish junipers in typical Victorian fashion.

Credit for photograph: Andrew Butler

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Reference: 138646

Description of image – The Italian Garden from terrace at top of steps,with central circular stone trough in background, at Biddulph Grange Garden, Staffs.

Copyright: ©NTPL/Andrew Butler


Grange Road Biddulph Staffordshire,ST87SD