Carrot, Beetroot, Parsnip and Swede Seeds

  • 4 June 2021 4:58 pm


Carrot, Beetroot, Parsnip and Swede Seeds – growing root crops such as carrots, beetroot, parsnips and swede might not be as glamourous as a climbing tomato plant dripping with fruit or courgette in full flower but the end result is just as pleasing on the tongue; especially when you crunch into a just-pulled carrot, sample the flavour a garden-fresh beetroot brings to a salad or discover your home-grown parsnips and swede put the rest of your Sunday lunch in the shade!
To help bring that unique garden taste to your kitchen table, we’ve carefully selected carrot, beetroot, parsnip and swede varieties and added them to our organic – Soil Association approved – seed range.
