Castle Ward

  • 4 June 2021 4:47 pm


Castle Ward

Interesting 18th-century mansion, famed for its mixture of architectural styles

Castle Ward’s 332-hectare (820-acre) walled demesne is in a stunning location overlooking Strangford Lough. The mid-Georgian mansion is an architectural curiosity of its time, built inside and out in two distinct styles, Classical and Gothic. The Victorian laundry, playroom, cornmill, leadmine and sawmill give the full flavour of how the estate worked. The grounds encompass woodland and lough-side paths and horse trails, formal gardens, Old Castle Ward, Temple Water and the Strangford Lough Wildlife Centre. There are many spaces available for private hire, a caravan site and a holiday cottage

Name and credits for images of Castle Ward

Reference: 124398

Description of image – The statue of Neptune in the sunken garden at Castle Ward.

Reference: 124387

Description of image – View of the "classical side" of Castle Ward with Strangford Lough beyond.

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Credit for photographs: Nick Meers

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Copyright: ©NTPL/Nick Meers


Strangford Downpatrick Co. Down,BT307LS