High quality Landscaping & Play Grade Bark from Rolawn
Bark Mulch or Wood Chip?

So many of you ask us this question.

There are a few different answers depending on the use you are going to put the product to in your garden or childrens playground.

If you are mulching flower or shrub borders in your garden then the answer is that you can use either. The wood chippings will last longer, but the bark mulch is considered a bit more decorative. Chipped bark can have a higher particle size (up to 90mm on the long direction) wood chippings will be slightly smaller.

Our wood chips are made by a different process than the chip bark. The wood is put through a hammer mill that pulverises it down to size, whereas the bark is stripped off the wood as it enters the sawmill.

This means that the woodchip has a more uniform look than the garden bark.

If you are creating a path in your garden then the wood chippings are best. It is stronger and more resistant to crumbling under heavy use. The more uniform chip size will also be better for walking on.

Because of the above reason, if you are looking for a long lasting children’s playground material, but your budget won’t stretch to rubber chippings, then play grade wood chip is a great option. We supply it as a new, naturally coloured product or a recycled coloured chipping (with colours from terracotta to green).

The woodchip takes longer to “soften” in the playground than play grade bark, but once softened will last a lot longer.

If you want to know which product is most popular for landscaping your garden then the answer is the bark mulch. It has a large following of users and we have supplied it everywhere, from stately homes to the smallest city gardens.

Remember, all the bark prices you see on our site include free delivery to nearly anywhere in mainland UK (exceptions apply).

Advice supplied by TurfandStuff.com

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