This revolutionary new product made in the UK fits together like ‘Lego’ and can be supplied with matching edges and corners. It can be cut with a Stanley knife to allow a perfect fit.
It is perfect for wet areas such as greenhouse floors as it is non-slip and hygienic. It allows excess water to drain underneath and raises plants off cold floors. It also helps to deter slugs and snails as they don’t like the surface texture. It can be easily cleaned with a hosepipe or pressure washer.

It is great to stand on and is easier on the legs and feet than normal flooring and is available in the following colours, black, yellow, light blue, dark blue, light grey, dark grey, green, cream, burgundy red and terracotta.

Each tile is 300mm square. Each tile has a 9mm gap on the underside for drainage. There are connectors on two sides of each Versatile to enable them to clip together.

There also matching edges & edges with corners available.

We can now accept credit card payments over the phone.
Calculate how many Versatiles you will need by clicking here

- Each Versatile is 300mm x 300mm
- Each straight edge is 53mm x 300mm
- Each edge with corner is 53mm x 350mm
- Physical Properties: Material: Oxy-B1ä Vinyl / Weight 14.5oz / 12″ x 12″ x 9/16″ /tile
- Additives: Oxy-B1 (fungus inhibitor) Ultra violet stabilisers
- Tensile strength: 2750PSI (ASTM D 412)
- Elongation: 348%
- Weather Resistance: 96% retention of Elongation, 107% retention of 100% Modulus, 98% retention of tensile strength, 99% retention of colour (Weatherometer @ 720 hours)
- Temperature Range: Designed for continuous use in environments from -30°F (-34°C) and not to exceed 167°F (75°C)
- Chemical Resistance: Resistant at ambient temperature to inorganic acids, oils, grease, detergents, brine and organic solvents except Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Tetra Hydro Furah, Dmethyl Formamide, Methyl Isobutyl Ketone, Phosphate Ester. Versatile will withstand <50% Nitric Acid concentration, Dielectric strength: 500 volts/MIL (ASTM D 149) (non-conductive)
- Insulation resistance: 1000 Megaohms/1000ft. (ULS 82-106) Volume
- Resistivity: 1×10″ ohn-cm (ASTM257057T)
- Flammability: Flame resistant, passed vertical flame test UL 94V-0
- Versatile won’t splinter, crack, warp or discolour.
- It holds up under extremes of cold and heat (-30F (-34°C) To 167F (75°C) and is treated with an ultraviolet light protectant.
- Versatile had high tensile strength (2750 PSI) and great resistance to weather.
- At ambient temperatures, Versatile is resistant to inorganic acids, oils, grease, detergents, brine and most organic solvents.
- Versatile provides a soft step by flexing gently and cushions footsteps and knees. The pliable vinyl provides protection against breakage of items that would shatter if dropped on a concrete surface.
- Each tile comes packed with Oxy-B1 an EPA registered fungicide, so odours, mould and mildew don’t stand a chance.
- Versatile cleans up easily with water and continues to kill unwanted and dangerous germs 24 hours a day.
It is perfect for the following types of areas:
- Boat decks
- Kennels
- Bathing areas
- Greenhouse Flooring
- Cellars
- Shelf liners
- Van floor liner
- Swimming pools
- Saunas
- Animal bathing areas
- Horse training areas
- Changing rooms
- Shower cubicles
- Steam rooms
- Warehouses
- Standing only work areas
- Garages
- Sports halls
- Children’s play areas
- Exhibition flooring
- Walk in fridges & freezers
Plus many more.
Unit 3, Milestone Court Business Park
Town Street
LS28 6HE
Tel: 0113 257 9000
Fax: 0113 257 2222