If you need to do any of these jobs in the garden, you’ll need garden pruners and loppers - cutting back, trimming, hedge cutting and dealing with thorny bushes. Making clean cuts is essential when pruning to avoid introducing the risk of infection, pests and diseases, so it’s worth getting really decent tools for these jobs. Look after them well by cleaning and drying them before putting them away, and oiling and sharpening them as needed, and they’ll reward you with years of service. If you have trees or high bushes, a good pair of loppers with long handles will save you both time and energy, while anvil action secateurs are perfect for smaller woody stems. For green stems, a pair of bypass pruners will keep bruising to a minimum – of the plant stem that is! Thinking about the gardener, look out for soft cushioned handles if you’re going to be doing a lot of trimming and pruning. Our selection rounds up some of the best pruners and loppers on the market – and we think you’ll find the prices appealing.

Our Selection Of Garden Pruners and Loppers

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Garden Pruners and Loppers for cutting back, trimming, hedge cutting and tackling some of those thorny jobs as well.
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    Garden Pruners and Loppers

    Felco Folding Pruning Saw

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Garden Pruners and Loppers

    Felco Aluminium Lopper

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Garden Pruners and Loppers

    Felco Aluminium Lopper

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Garden Pruners and Loppers

    Felco Folding Pruning Saw

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website