Gardens to Visit

The place to find inspiration for your own garden and learn more about plants and design is in other people’s gardens.

Thousands of gardens are open to the public throughout the country. Some are owned by public bodies like the National Trust or English Heritage, many are privately owned and their creators welcome visitors. Often you can talk to the owner and discuss their garden and some of them have great plants for sale – real bargains, possibly unusual gems.

Garden visiting is immensely popular The National Trust alone has 50 million visits a year to its open air properties. It is said that more people visit gardens than football matches and Sunday afternoon is the favourite time to walk round someone else’s garden and then have some delicious cake for tea before taking your new ideas back to your own garden. The National Trust alone has 50 million visits a year to its open air properties.

The Gardening Website would not be complete without a category devoted to the fabulous gardens throughout the UK. These are listed by county and by County and the nearest town or City. Each Garden will have a link map to easily locate it as well as an aerial map – where available and a link through to the Gardens own website for more detailed information. This section is expanding with demand and we now have pleasure in lining to other European countries as well as internationally to highlight some of the most fabulous gardens to visit and not just in the UK.

So for British Gardens to Visit by County or British Gardens to Visit by County and Town you can quickly find the one(s) you want to visit through THE Gardening Website

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  • Showing 1–2 of 2 results

    British Gardens to Visit in Borders Melrose

    Harmony Garden

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    British Gardens to Visit in Borders Melrose

    Harmony Garden

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website