Hampton Court Palace Flower Show – Vital Statistics

2006 is the 17th year of the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, the largest annual flower show in the world and organised by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). Two new exhibitor categories will be featured this year: Conceptual Gardens, where new designers showcase innovative and challenging garden design; and Inspiring Spaces, small plots demonstrating how creative container planting can enliven any awkward space in the garden.
At this year’s show there are almost 700 exhibitors including:
17 Show Gardens (including 3 in the Daily Mail Pavilion)
19 Small Gardens
5 Water Gardens
5 Conceptual Gardens
126 Nurseries (83 in Floral Marquees, 35 Plant Plots, 8 in Growing & Showing over the fruit and vegetable weekend)
21 rose growers in the Festival of Roses
17 National Collection Holders in the NCCPG Plant Heritage Marquee
11 Marquees (2 double Floral Marquees, Daily Mail Pavilion, Studio for Flowers, Growing & Showing, NCCPG Plant Heritage, Festival of Roses, RHS Talks & Demonstrations Marquee, Country Living Magazine Pavilion)
12 Inspiring Spaces
32 affiliated societies in the RHS Window Box & Hanging Basket Competition
10 exhibitors in the Botanical Art Gallery
8 florists in the Studio for Flowers
Almost 400 shopping stands (in the Country Living Magazine Pavilion and outdoor horticultural sundry stands)

The Gardens
Almost 50 gardens, from established designers and new talent, will be on show.

One major new category is Conceptual Gardens where visitors can be some of the first to spot tomorrow’s potentially big names in garden design. Five recent graduates of garden or landscape design have been challenged to push the boundaries of garden design and express a high level of innovation and creativity to ‘wow’ visitors at the show and be judged for an RHS medal.

Other gardens to look out for include the Mayor of London’s ‘Sunshine Garden’ designed by Paul Stone, to demonstrate how to create a beautiful garden with little water; Claire Whitehouse, a previous winner of the Tudor Rose award for ‘Best in Show’, is back for Christian Aid with the ‘Wish you were here…?’ garden to highlight the charity’s HIV education projects in Jamaica; Groundforce presenters Tommy Walsh and Kirsty King have designed a small garden, ‘Senses StimulatED’, to raise awareness of the SortED in 10 impotency campaign; and pupils from St Edmund’s School have helped to design ‘The Music Garden’ in the show’s only garden designed by children.

Festival of Roses
This marquee hosts the largest annual gathering of roses in the world. Visit the marquee to see the launch of twenty new roses, more than ever before, including Rosa ‘Tickled Pink’, the Rose of the Year 2007.

Daily Mail Pavilion
Enter the Pavilion through a field of lavender, created by RHS Gold Medal winners Downderry Nursery, and walk amongst three show gardens inspired by the countryside of the South Downs and designed by pervious RHS Gold Medal winners.

Floral Marquees
Over 80 of the UK’s top nurseries will be exhibiting in the two Floral Marquees displaying some new plants, rarely seen specimens and traditional favourites for visitors to view and buy throughout the week. Plants can also be bought from the nurseries in the outdoor plant plots dotted around the showground.

Payne and Gunter, a subsidiary of The Compass Group, are the official caterers of the show. Visitors consume 31,000 rounds of sandwiches, 41,000 glasses of Pimms, 20,000 glasses of champagne and nearly 80,000 cups of tea and coffee. The Roux Restaurant will cater for around 5,000 lunches and afternoon teas, all of which are prepared by the world famous chef, Albert Roux. A number of catering outlets will be serving a variety of refreshments including champagne and seafood, fish and chips and tapas.

Charity Gala Preview (3 July 2006, 6-11pm)
Every year, the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show holds a Gala Preview, attracting special guests and celebrities, to help raise money for charity. Proceeds from the 2006 Charity Gala Preview will be shared between the Royal Horticultural Society and the National Autistic Society. Proceeds from the event will help expand the horticultural project at the National Autistic Society’s Hayes Independent Hospital in Bristol. Gardening has been proven to be highly therapeutic and stimulating for many people with autism. Money raised for the RHS allows the charity to continue to help gardeners and promote horticultural excellence, keep its gardens open, deliver expert advice, organise educational events and activities, and undertake scientific research.

Tickets to the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show (4 – 9 July) range from £12.50 to £29 with children aged 5-15 years £5 and under-5’s going free. Tickets are available on the gate, or can be bought in advance by calling:
0870 906 3790 (RHS members)

0870 906 3791 (non-members)

About the RHS
The RHS is the UK’s leading gardening charity dedicated to advancing horticulture and promoting good gardening. Its charitable work includes undertaking scientific research into issues affecting gardeners, holding plant trials and educational events and activities.

RHS membership is for anyone with an interest in gardening. Support the RHS and secure a healthy future for gardening. For more information call: 0845 130 4646, or visit www.rhs.org.uk

Reg charity no. 222879
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    Rose Revolution
    RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 4 to 9 July 2006

    Rose Revolution

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website
    Rose Revolution
    RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 4 to 9 July 2006

    Rose Revolution

    • 4 years ago
    • The Gardening Website