Adding a swimming pool. Sandy, UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


Good afternoon, I am most impressed by your web site – evidently you have had some fascinating jobs. Mine, inevitably, is rather mundane by comparison, due to financial constraints and the nature of the project. I am going to build a swimming pool in my 2.5 acre garden in wet Surrey in the very near future and want to start by making a plan so it is an effective part of the garden, in the right place and ‘works’. I can send photos of the location within the site and discuss what I have in mind, about which I am fairly settled. What I need is help putting it on paper and filling out the detail for planting / materials etc. All without breaking the bank! Easy. If you think you are able to help please let me know. thanks Sandy
Forum (Hugh):Dear Sandy, Thank you for your enquiry, yes I would be interested to help if I can. Can you get a local surveyor to survey the site showing the garden levels? This can be done topographically by satellite, as the garden is 2.5 acres it is worth taking in the whole area. Photos will be helpful taken “located to the house” that is the garden area showing parts of the house where possible with the rest linked to these. I don’t require hundreds, and can always ask for more specific detail as the design progresses. Location, North position, soil type clay, gravel, sand etc. Regards Hugh
Sandy:Dear Hugh Thanks for you prompt reply, excellent news. I will see what I can arrange for the survey. What is the basis on which you would charge? I would like to know what I am getting into financially, I realise you are not familiar with my project as yet but I do not want to waste your time if your charges are outside my constraints. How does it work? Thanks Sandy
Forum (Hugh):Dear Sandy, Depending on the amount of work my drawing hours are based on £35 an hour – thinking time is not charged! Once I have seen the survey I will let you know a price, but say a guide price of £1000 if you require a full planting plan. You will need a survey if you have any other designer. I will produce a scaled outline concept drawing, with a separate planting plan scaled at 1:50. As a cheaper alternative I can set out the basic key plants to which you can add plants later under my guidance – see my web site. Regards Hugh
