An Introduction to E.Commerce from Google

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


The Web, E-commerce – Now and the Future

Global internet universe 934 million 2005 Computer Industry Almanac

Global internet universe (projection for 2005) 1.07 billion 2005 Computer Industry Almanac

UK active monthly internet universe 24.75.4million Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

UK active monthly internet users (female) 11.43 million Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

UK active monthly internet users (male) 13.32 million Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Average time spent online per day 119 mins Nov-04 BMRB Internet monitor

Percentage of non-broadband users likely to convert to broadband in next 12 months 43% Nov-04 BMRB Internet monitor

Average number of sites visited per month 34 Feb-05 Comscore

Active digital media universe 25,741,295 Jan-05 Nielsen Netratings

Current digital media universe (estimate) 35,309,529 Jan-05 Nielsen Netratings

Male/female split 54/46 Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor


Internet users who have bought online in the last six months 17.92m Nov-04 BMRB Internet monitor

Internet users who have sourced information for buying online 15.0m Nov-04 BMRB Internet monitor

Users who believe using credit card online is ‘safe’ 71% Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Amount Spent Online £21.7 billion Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Percentage of Internet users who intend to purchase online in next six months 64% Nov-04 BMRB Internet monitor

Mobile media

Text messages sent per day 68.5m Jan-05 Mobile data association

Text Messages sent per week per person 15 Jan-05 Ofcom

Mobile Phone customers 52m Jan-05 Mobile data association

Number of text messages sent – forecast for 2005 30 billion Jan-05 Mobile data association

Digital TV

Percentage of UK homes with Digital Television 57% Jan-05 Broadcaster/Platform, 2004

Percentage of users who have pressed the red button 43% Jan-05 Ofcom
Number of ‘Red Button Campaigns’ that ran in January 2005 45 Jan-05 Ofcom

Internet advertising

Total UK online advertising spend (2004) £510.0m Feb-05 IAB

Total UK online advertising spend (2002) £196.7m Jul-04 IAB

Internet advertising year on year (2003 against 2002) 80.00% Jul-04 IAB

Share of total advertising spend 2.5% Jul-04 IAB
Online % of total UK advertising spend 2.5% Jul-04 IAB

UK demographics (adults)

UK population (total) 59.23 million Jan-05 Office of National Statistics

England population 49.56 million Jan-05 Office of National Statistics

Scotland population 5.05 million Jan-05 Office of National Statistics

Wales population 2.92 million Jan-05 Office of National Statistics

Number of UK households 24.5 million Jan-05 Office of National Statistics

Activities used on the internet

Using e-mail 22.87m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor
Sourcing info on activities/interests 19.28m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Browsing for fun 18.34m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Making travel plans 14.85m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Looking at cinema/theatre/concert listings 12.35m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Looking at job opportunities 10.14m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Business purposes 9.23m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Instant messaging 8.78m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Listening to / downloading music 7.94m Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor


Percentage of net connections via broadband (Jan 2005) 61.0% Feb-05 BMRB Internet monitor

Percentage of net connections via broadband (April 2003) 14.5% May-04 Ofcom

Number of broadband users 11.5m Jan-05 Nielsen //Netratings

Broadband users increase every day 5,000 Jan-04 IAB


Percentage of internet users who have used a search engine 84% Jan-05 Pew Internet

Projection for global investment in paid for search £3 billion Jan-05 Jupiter

Percentage of online purchase preceded by a search 38% Mar-05 Doubleclick/Performics/Comscore 2005

Global investment in Search Engine Marketing for 2004 $4 billion Jan-05 SEMPO, 2004

Projection for global investment in paid for search £3 billion Jan-05 Jupiter

Percentage in Q3 that Search spend was larger than cinema spend 50% Sep-04 IAB 2004
