Andrew Russell Flint Designer Maker
Andrew Russell Flint is a British Designer Maker. His 30-year career spans Product Design, the Applied Arts and Sculpture. While much of Andrews past work could be described as sculptural, it is only in the last few years that he has started designing and making work that is purely sculptural.
Products that Andrew has designed have been utilized in luxury boats, hotels, and private residences throughout the world. He has lectured and demonstrated in three major Universities to a range of art and design students. It is no surprise then that Andrew has managed to rapidly gain a strong reputation for his distinctive hand-built ceramic forms. His work has now been exhibited in some of the best galleries and sculpture gardens, and gone on to become a cherished feature in some very special parks and gardens.

Each piece is built by hand from clay using the coiling method and then individually fired to stoneware temperatures. The work has to dry thoroughly before being fired and a single form may take months to complete. The number of pieces Andrew produces is quite small and the style is always gradually evolving. To see where his work is currently available you can visit the events section of his web site at

Andrew is always pushing the boundaries of what he can do and has a broad knowledge of materials and processes. He is particularly interested in meeting clients who want ideas for larger scale or unusual commissions.
The Orchard.
41 Radford Road,
Leamington Spa,
CV31 1NF.
PHONE 01926 883 412
MOBILE 07970 939 542