Ashdown House

  • 4 June 2021 4:45 pm


Ashdown House

17th-century house perched on the Berkshire Downs

This extraordinary Dutch-style house is famous for its association with Elizabeth of Bohemia (‘The Winter Queen’), Charles I’s sister, to whom the house was ‘consecrated’. The interior has an impressive great staircase rising from hall to attic, and important paintings contemporary with the house. There are spectacular views from the roof over the formal parterre, lawns and surrounding countryside, as well as beautiful walks in neighbouring Ashdown Woods. Nearby Weathercock Hill and Alfred’s Castle — an Iron Age defended settlement where in 871 King Alfred is rumoured to have defeated the Danes — offer fine walking country

Name and credits for images of Ashdown House

Reference: 1741

Description of image – PRINCE RUPERT, PRINCE MAURICE & THE DUKE OF RICHMOND by William Dobson at Ashdown House.

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Lambourn Newbury Berkshire,RG178RE