Australasian Plant Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm


The Australasian Plant Society started 20 years ago with a small group of enthusiasts meeting to discuss Australian plants. After two years, it was decided to start a formal society, and so the Australian Plant Society was formed. After five years, a decision was taken to expand the area of interest to include New Zealand, and so the name was changed to the Australasian Plant Society. Not only are Australia and New Zealand covered, but some of the dependencies (such as Chatham Island and Norfolk Island) as well.

Our main aim is to encourage an awareness of the garden qualities of Australasian plants, and to try to grow as many as possible. Many members have been growing these plants for years, and often have more specialist knowledge than some of the books available. We publish a newsletter twice a year. Guidance on growing a particular plant or range of plants will be found in nearly every newsletter. The regular reports by members from all areas of the UK on how well their plants have survived the winter is perhaps the best indication of what will grow and survive in that particular area One of our members is a retired senior member of Kew’s horticultural staff, who has lived and worked in both Australia and New Zealand, and his knowledge is probably only equalled by long-serving members of Australian botanic gardens.

Once a year we issue a seed list. This includes seeds mainly sourced from Australia and New Zealand, but also includes seeds supplied by our members (showing that we can not only grow the plants, but flower them and get viable seed, too).

Each member can order a maximum of 20 packets, and the only charge is to cover postage and administration!


Mr. Einion Hughes 17 Gillian Drive Rhyl LL184TB