Aylett Nurseries Ltd – Speciality Dahlia

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm
  • Hertfordshire, England


Aylett Nurseries Ltd

We are fundamentally a retail outlet and our website is intended to show the extent of our large range.

We cannot show all the 37,000 stock items with all its seasonal changes, however we are very happy to help with your enquiry in any way we can, just e-mail us using the enquiry form or we are just a telephone call away.

About Aylett Nurseries

Fifty years ago where it all began… An independent family business established in 1955 by Roger Aylett who over the years together with a team of highly trained staff have created a unique garden centre specialising in Dahlias which have won the coveted Royal Horticulture Society’s gold medal for 36 consecutive years. This excellence has been the hallmark of the development of all the departments that go to make up Aylett Nurseries today.

The plant Information Centre is located close to the outdoor plants. It is here that you will find a dedicated team of Horticulturists ready to help with your gardening queries, whether it be identification or advice on what to plant where. Seasonal displays and groupings help to spark ideas and inspire the new gardener. The range of plants is vast, ranging from the basic to the exotic, from the climber to the ground cover plant. There is always something to tempt the avid gardener as new varieties become available.

The plant area is divided into A-Z sections for ease of selection.

To the side of the Information Centre you will find our specialist greenhouse which houses our very comprehensive range of bedding plants. During April/May the display of Geraniums and hanging baskets is a sight not to be missed. It is here that our Gold medal Dahlias are displayed, complete with colour photos, to help with that all important selection for autumn colour in the border.


North Orbital Road St Albans Hertfordshire,AL21DH,Hertfordshire,England