Begonia Society, National

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


The National Begonia Society
Formed in 1948 the Society currently has about 800 United Kingdom and overseas members.
We have representatives based throughout the country who organise Area Shows & Meetings and are available to offer advice to members. Our National Show is held at
Kings Heath, Birmingham.

The Society seeks to:


Promote and encourage the more extended culture of begonias.
Though there are thousands of begonias (species and hybrids) known and grown throughout the world there is no doubt that in the UK the most popular one grown is the large flowered tuberous double. The Society wishes to encourage many more members to cultivate a much wider range of begonia species and hybrids.


Bring growers into closer contact with each other.
Without doubt one of the best ways of improving one’s cultivation methods is to observe how other, and more successful, growers achieve their success. To this end the Society is divided into several Areas each under the guidance of an Area Representative appointed by the National Committee. Meetings of members are held in these areas from time to time at which valuable contacts can be made and knowledge shared. There is nothing static about these Areas and changes can be made to respond to the needs of the time.


Assist those who may have difficulties.
Many of our members live too far away to be able to attend meetings but still require help and advice from time to time on matters of cultivation. For all our members, but most of all this category, the Secretary will be pleased to answer questions and give advice by post . Where the problem cannot be solved by the Society our affiliation to the R.H.S permits the matter to be referred to that body.


Promote the exhibition of begonias.
The Society holds an Annual National Show with upwards of 26 classes for begonias including novice, intermediate, and open sections. In addition five or six areas hold somewhat smaller shows for the special benefit of their area members (but open to all Society members). The committee will also consider applications for the sponsoring of begonia classes in other shows.


Encourage the raising of new and improved varieties and confer awards on those approved by the Floral Committee.
Hybridising is an exciting aspect of begonia cultivation and is being attempted by an increasing number of our members. Occasionally something extra special may appear and the Floral Committee is pleased to consider for A’ and B’ certificates, any new cultivar submitted to it. The main objective is to encourage the raising of new varieties and reward those which are considered to be improvements on existing ones or those which represent new colour breaks – the emphasis is on quality.


Publish books, bulletins etc. as approved by the committee.
Each year the Society publishes Bulletins and Newsletters. The bulletin is the medium through which members describe their successes and failures, matters which are of interest to all of our colleagues. A Cultural Handbook is also published and offered free to all our new members. This handbook presents a basic approach to begonia growing. Once these elementary procedures have been mastered then the grower can progress to modifying the cultivation techniques.


If you are interested in the cultivation of begonias of any type then we would be pleased to welcome you as a member of the Society.





Please apply to
The National Secretary





Mr Alan Harris 7 Babraham Road Sawston CB2 4DQ