Birmingham Botanical Gardens and Glasshouses

  • 4 June 2021 4:47 pm


Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3TR

Telephone: 0121 454 1860
e-mail: [email protected]

The Gardens are a 15 acre ‘Oasis of Delight’.
The lush rainforest vegetation in the Tropical House includes many economic plants. Palms, tree ferns, orchids and insectivorous plants are displayed in the Subtropical House. The Mediterranean House features a wide variety of citrus plants, a pelargonium collection and seasonal displays of conservatory plants.
A desert scene, with its giant agaves and opuntias, fills the
Arid House.
Outside there is colourful bedding on the Terrace and a tour of the Gardens includes rhododendrons and azaleas, herbaceous borders, an impressive Rock Garden and a collection of over 200 trees. There are Herb and Cottage Gardens, a Water Garden, Alpine Yard, Historic Gardens, Organic Garden and the National Bonsai Collection. Ferns, grasses and sensory plants all have their own areas.
A magnificent Lawn Aviary stands at the far side of the main lawn, in front of which is a formal sunken Rose Garden. From a deep red centre the roses shade to pale pink and cream. A collection of shrub roses continues the rose theme behind the aviaries.
A Sculpture Trail takes you to every corner of the Garden.
The Children’s Adventure Playground and Children’s Discovery Garden provide excitement for our younger visitors who are also enthralled by our bird collection.
Our Gallery has different exhibitions each month.
The ‘Shop at the Gardens’ stocks a wide range of gifts and plants.
Refreshments are available in the Pavilion.
Bands play every Sunday afternoon throughout the summer.
Open daily from 9 am. (10 am. Sunday) until dusk (7 pm. Latest).
Birmingham Botanical Gardens & Glasshouses is inviting visitors to take a ‘Walk on the Wild Side – in the company of wolves – on Sunday 23 September 2007 on the Gardens’ own special Conservation Day. The magnificent North American wolves will be a highlight of the event, in the company of the UK Wolf Conservation Trust.
This exciting one-day event will be packed full of lively activity and side shows for people to learn at close hand about the work of major conservation organisations and what we need to do now to protect our environment. There will be an abundance of advice on all kinds of wildlife, from birds, bats and butterflies to ferrets and badgers, and how to create a haven for wildlife in your own back garden.
Dudley Zoological Society is bringing some fascinating small animals and the RSPB will have all kinds of bird-watching activity. Tom Hare, the fascinating willow sculptor will be demonstrating his skills and there will be opportunities for visitors to have-a-go and take home their very own creation. The Green Man, storyteller and performer, will keep everyone spellbound with tales about nature and the great outdoors.
The Conservation Day will be open from 11.00am to 4.00pm, entrance prices to the Gardens have been reduced for the day to £3.00 for Adults, £2.00 for concessions (under 16s and Members free).
James Wheeler, Chief Executive of the Gardens, said: “Conservation is very high on our own daily agenda here at the Gardens and we will be demonstrating our own work too and its importance to the environment. Conservation affects our lives in so many ways and we hope this special day will be a highly enjoyable event for all ages and interests.”

Do You Want Green Fingers?!

Then come to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens & Glasshouses
Starting on Wednesday 3rd October 2007Interested in gardening? Keen to enjoy the company of other gardeners? Then why not come and learn more by joining a Horticultural Club in the beautiful surroundings of the Botanical Gardens?
Starting on Wednesday 3rd October, the Club entitled ‘Your Garden Month By Month’ takes place on the first Wednesday of every month and lasts for 12 sessions. You don’t need to be a gardening expert, just have a keen interest in learning more about all the little jobs that you should be doing in the garden in the coming month. Where daylight and the weather allows, practical demonstrations will be conducted in the Gardens.
Deborah Knott, Education Officer, at the Gardens said "For anyone who takes pleasure in gardening but needs a little help in looking after their garden, the Botanical Gardens is certainly the place to come next month.

Participants will get the benefit of our tutor’s excellent horticultural knowledge in the relaxing surroundings of the stunning living plant collection of the Botanical Gardens. Anyone interested should apply for an enrolment form and further details on 0121 454 1860".

If you are unable to commit to 12 sessions over 12 months, the Gardens is also offering a one-off weekend workshop entitled ‘Planting Winter Tubs and Baskets’ and takes place on Saturday 29th September. This workshop offers a practical demonstration on how to have colourful containers through the winter and into spring with the Gardens’ Ex-Director, Philip Aubury.
Further information: Deborah Knott/Tina van Zeller, The Birmingham Botanical Gardens & Glasshouses Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3TR
Tel: 0121 450 5093


Westbourne Road Edgbaston Birmingham ENGLAND,B153TR