Blackmore and Langdon Ltd

  • 4 June 2021 4:52 pm
  • Bristol, England


In 1901, James Blackmore and Charles Langdon, who were interested in Begonias and Delphiniums, decided to start a nursery.

They began hybridising both begonias and delphiniums and produced the finest varieties available. James and Charles passed their interests and skills on to their sons who continued in the work of producing these beautiful plants.

Blackmore & Langdon are now in the fourth generation, still in family ownership. Begonias and delphiniums continue to be the backbone of this unique firm but were not sufficient to sustain a business over the years, so other plants were added to the range available – carnations, violets, canna lilies and general herbaceous. These disappeared from the lists over the years, but polyanthus, aquilegia, phlox, michaelmas daisies and gloxinias are still included. Many changes have taken place during these last one hundred years, not least of which was a move from Bath to the present site at Pensford in 1972. In the early days, gardeners from the big estates were the main customers, whereas now it is the general public, who have more leisure time and interest. .


Stanton Nurseries Pensford Bristol Somerset,BS394JL,Bristol,England