Bowden Hall Nursery – Speciality: Home-grown herbs, wildflowers and cottage garden plants for your garden

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm
  • Derbyshire, England


Malcoff Farmhouse
High Peak

01663 751969, mobile 07867 502775
[email protected]

Opening Times: 1000-1700 B/hols from 1st Mar-30th Jun & Sep. Other times by appt.

Speciality: Herbs, wild flowers & hardy cottage garden plants & some old roses. Plants grown in peat-free compost using organic fertilisers.
Bowden Hall Nursery is a small, friendly nursery specialising in herbs, wildflowers and hardy cottage garden plants including old and species roses. The nursery is situated on the west of the Pennines in the Peak National Park. We aim to produce plants that will survive whatever the British climate brings.

We are pleased to offer an ever expanding range of plants, this year with particular emphasis on wildflowers and cottage plants, with nearly 100 more varieties this year, as well as all the old favourites.

The range provided is fairly extensive but the most popular varieties do sell very quickly. If you are after a particular variety it is advisable to telephone first to check the availability. Large numbers of particular varieties can be grown to order on special request. You may order by post, phone, e-mail or collect your plants from the nursery.

We adopt an environmentally responsible approach to growing. The pots and growing containers used by the nursery are all recycled and pesticides are used only when all other options are exhausted (usually just for blackspot on the roses). We use a 100% organic, peat free compost and fertiliser which produces extremely healthy and vigorous plants.

Please enjoy browsing the site and we look forward to seeing you in person or hearing from you by e-mail, telephone or post.

Julie Norfolk
William Roberts


Malcoff Farmhouse Malcoff Chapel-en-le-Frith High Peak Derbyshire,SK230QR,Derbyshire,England