British Christmas Tree Growers Association

  • 4 June 2021 4:47 pm


British Christmas Tree Growers’ Association

Rooting for British Trees

For the committed gardener, what better way to show they care by investing in a real, British grown Christmas tree. This year you are guaranteed to be spoilt for choice with several differing varieties, including the new best selling Nordmann Fir, the more economical Norway Spruce, or the ever-different Blue Spruce with its unique metallic-blue sheen.

A real tree also plays an important environmental role, recycling carbon dioxide and turning it into fresh, pure oxygen. When Christmas is over, it is imperative to recycle your tree. If you have your own shredder, the chippings can be added to your compost heap and used to help encourage your springtime blooms. Alternatively you can take it to your local council’s tip where it will be chopped up, composted and turned into a soil improver. Artificial trees can take hundreds of years to decompose, doing more harm than good. All Christmas tree growers subscribing to the BCTGA code of conduct ensure their trees are grown in a sustainable way, and do not cause any damage to the environment or local wildlife.

How about buying a living tree which you can plant out in the garden and decorate and keep a fine evergreen growing for years?

So what tree tips should you adhere too? It goes without saying that the beauty and longevity of your tree totally depends on how much you water it. Once your tree has been potted, expect it to absorb a gallon of water in the first twenty-four hours, and at least a quarter a day thereafter.

Secretary of the BCTGA, Roger Hay says, “remember to keep your tree moist at all times and keep it away from any heaters. If you follow the guidelines, your Christmas tree will maintain a healthy appearance throughout the festive period.�

The British Christmas Tree Growers Association is the trade association for those who grow specialist Christmas Trees in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Membership is open to those who intend to grow or are growing trees for the Christmas market. Associate membership is available for those who provide goods and services to the Christmas Tree sector.
