British Pelargonium and Geranium Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm



Registered Charity No 279296

The British Pelargonium and Geranium Society was formed in 1951 by the late John Cross, producer of BBC’s What’s My Line.
Just after the world war two and the country getting back on its feet there was a tremendous resurgence in interest in the geranium and pelargonium. Pelargoniums and the butterfly were a passion of John’s. So he and a group of fellow enthusiasts – including Leslie Cross, John’s brother, banded together to form The Geranium Society as the BPGS was first known. John went on to become a prominent author on pelargoniums.
The objects of the society are still the same today, to promote interest in the geraniaceae family of which the geranium and pelargonium were the most popular.
The society welcomes to its membership people interested in all aspects of the Geraniaceae family (pelargonium, geranium, etc.}, amateur and professional growers, garden centres, horticultural writers. We also welcome garden societies to become affiliated.


The society publishes three editions of its journal Pelargonium News and the Yearbook each year. A selection of back numbers of these publications is sometimes available, they are ideal if you want to see how varieties have changed in popularity, what are the best plants to grow and how methods of cultivation have changed.
The society invites members to contribute articles for publication
Free on joining, new members will receive a copy of the leaflets A Calendar For The Pelargonium grower and A Simple Guide.

National Show:

The society stages a National Show which incorporates The UK National Open Championship. All comers are invited to exhibit. Indeed the show makes an ideal day out for all the family.


A comprehensive selection of books, booklets and leaflets is published here on the Internet and in the society’s journals are available by post.


Membership Secretary: Gwen Ward Lyneham Hullbrook Lane Shamley Green Guildford GU5 0UQ