Brown patches in Leylandi. Colin Board, UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


Dear Hugh I have a leylandi hedge around my house & since last summer several large brown areas have developed where the ends of the tree are dead. I have raked the areas to get rid of dead stuff & fed (blood F&B and Seaweed) & watered the areas & some green growth is showing through the brown. Am I doing the right thing or wasting my time? Is there anything else I can do? Regards Colin Board
Forum (Hugh):Dear Colin, Leylandii respond to flooding watering covering the root area within the canopy with a hose in the months of July, August, September. It could be your ground conditions have dried out with the evergreen canopy. April is the time to apply fertilizer, dried blood has no salts – beware of salts with fibre roots as they scorch. But I think it is your watering that has started the growth. Regards Hugh O’Connell
