Can you help me design a Japanese garden for a school project? Simeon Miller, UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


Dear Mr.O’Connell, I am doing a coursework project on garden design. I was wondering if you could give me some information about the processes that are involved in designing a garden, how much do the materials cost? How much does Sand cost? How much do Rocks and boulders cost? How much do Trees and plants (such as evergreens) cost? I am going to create a Japanese garden with rock and water features. Do you have any advice? Thanks for your time Yours sincerely Simeon Miller
Forum (Hugh):Dear Simeon, Go to your builders merchant to find out prices of sand, stone, timber etc. To your garden centre for plants, Trees rocks, and boulders etc. to your local library on Japanese culture. Don’t be influenced by western ideas of Japanese gardens – look to the real thing – you can find this on my web site under the ‘Some World Gardens’ pages. Best of luck, Regards Hugh O’Connell
