Can you suggest a climbing plant that I can put in a deep tub that I have on a north facing wall? Kevin of North Wales, UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


Dear Hugh, I wonder if you can suggest a climbing plant that I can put in a deep tub that I have on a north facing wall by my front door. I have tried an evergreen clematis, but this has got wind burnt and never seems to flower. I would welcome any ideas. Thank you. Kevin.
Forum (Brian):Dear Kevin You describe the most hostile environment for any plant. All plants, and in particular those that climb, need root run. The formula is that for every metre of height the plant needs the same in root run in the soil. So I can think of no true recognised climber you can use – but all is not lost because you can get the effect by purchasing pre-grown standard trees that will give you at least five years of good service. However, the range is limited as far as types are concerned. My first choice would be Cotoneaster salicifolia purchased as two metre high or more, as pre-grown standard. Alternatively you could chose a lollypop shaped standard Chamaecyparis pisifera plumosa aurea. The shrub Eleagnus punges ‘Maculata’ grown as a standard may have the height you need. But remember whichever you chose they will not grow any taller than from when you purchase them. Apart from these be very careful. If you find other standard grown trees you like. contact me before you purchase and I will give you my wisdom. Hopfully preventing you having yet more failures! Brian Davis
