Coronet Turf UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:47 pm


UK turf suppliers

Coronet Turf are nursery turf growers who supply the highest quality ‘soil-less’ turf grown under strictly controlled conditions which means:

· GUARANTEED TURF SPECIFICATIONS – tried and tested formulations used with good results over many years by commercial and amateur grass seed suppliers.

· FREEDOM FROM COARSE UNSOWN WEEDS – a better looking, more uniform and even textured appearance.

· FREEDOM FROM PESTS AND DISEASES – trouble free, easier to maintain to a high standard of finish.

· LAYING TIME GREATLY REDUCED – the c. 2.5m² (c. 3yd²) rolls save up to 30% of conventional laying times. See the ‘Big Rolls‘ page for 40m²cover.

· NO WASTAGE – because of the net and the dense root zone, the turf can be manhandled without break up. Ideal for commercial projects of soil stabilisation and river bank erosion control.

· QUICK ESTABLISHMENT – the speed of harvesting and delivery ensures that we supply the product in peak condition and the undamaged root structure ensures unchecked establishment. Ideal for garden lawns.

· LIGHTWEIGHT CORONET TURF – supplier of large c. 2.5m² (c. 3yd²) rolls in the UK and mainland Europe, giving reduced handling and transportation costs.

D&S Hewetson-Brown,
Ashe Warren Farm,
Hampshire. UK
RG25 3AW

Tel: 01256 771222
Fax: 01256 771900
Mobile: 07768 726219


D&S Hewetson-Brown Ashe Warren Farm Overton Basingstoke Hampshire. UK,RG253AW