Cyclamen Society, The

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


What are Cyclamen?
Cyclamen are a genus of plants containing 20 species, which are part of the family of Primulaceae, the Primrose family. In the wild, their distribution is centred on the mediterranean, being natives of parts of Europe, western Asia and parts of North Africa. They are tuberous plants and have no obvious affinity with Primroses, although they do resemble the North American Dodecatheon in having reflexed petals.

Their habitats range from Fagus (Beech) woodland, through scrub and rocky areas, to alpine meadows where they flower in snow meltwater.
The genus is notable for the fact that although it is small, there are species which flower in every month of the year.


In cultivation, there are some species which are definitely hardy, some which are borderline, and a few species which will not tolerate any frost.
The genus also provides florists plants in the form of cultivars based on Cyclamen persicum. These are generally winter and spring flowering plants which are available in a wide range of colours.


What is the Cyclamen Society?
The Cyclamen Society exists to encourage cultivation and conservation, and to disseminate and extend knowledge of the genus Cyclamen and its species, forms and cultivars. It combines scientific study with all the activities of a society for enthusiasts who cultivate the plants.
The Society was formed in England in January 1977 and now has over 1600 members. Although it is based in the United Kingdom, it has a world-wide membership with nearly 20% from outside the UK, spread across Europe (9.7%), North America (5%), South America, South Africa, Australia (2.7%), New Zealand (1%), China, Japan (2.8%) and the countries of the former USSR.

The Cyclamen Society has no full time staff and like most similar organisations is run by volunteers. It is therefore important that correspondence is addressed to the correct officer or committee in order to save time and minimise the unnecessary involvement of others. Please also have patience and respect the fact that as there are no full time staff, the person you are trying to contact may be away or busy, but will reply as soon as they can.


If you would like to to join, you should complete and print out the Membership Application Form and send it together with your annual subscription (dues) to the Membership Secretary:


Arthur Nicholls,
‘Little Orchard’,
Church Road,
West Kingsdown,
Kent. TN15 6LG
United Kingdom.
Email: [email protected]


General Matters
Honorary Secretary:- Martyn Denney [email protected]
Chairman of the Committee:- Melvyn Jope [email protected]
President:- Peter Moore [email protected]


To contact the society for any matter which is not covered by any other contact, email [email protected]


Research Sub-committee
Chairman of the Research & Exploration Sub-committee:- Martyn Denney [email protected]
The Keeper of the Society’s Herbarium:- Chris Clennett [email protected]


International Registrar of Cultivar Names (excluding cultivars of C. persicum)
The Registrar:- Trevor Wiltshire [email protected]


Cyclamen Society Journal and Publications Sub-committee
Editor of the Journal:- Chris Clennett [email protected]


Show Secretary and Shows Sub-committee
Show Secretary:- Pat Nicholls [email protected]


Matters concerning the management of the discussion list Cyclamen-L should be mailed to [email protected]


If you have questions about Cyclamen which are not answered by these pages, you can email us at [email protected]


Web Site
If you have any comments about the web site or would like to report any problems, email the Webmaster [email protected]



Dr D Bent Little Pilgrims 2 Pilgrims Way East Otford Sevenoaks TN14 5QN