Deacon’s Nursery- Speciality Over 300 varieties of apple, old and new, pears, plums, gages, damsons, cherries. Modern soft fruit, grapes, hops, nuts and family trees

  • 4 June 2021 4:44 pm


Contact Information

We are available by phone, email or fax throughout the day.

Email enquiries dealt with Mon – Fri 11am to 4.45pm

Phone: 01983 840750
or: 01983 522243
Fax: 01983 523575

Moor View,
Isle of Wight,
PO38 3HW

Mon-Fri, 9:00AM-5:00PM

[email protected]

We are now one of the largest Mail Order Fruit Tree Nurseries in the UK. We have a huge selection of Apple trees with over 300 different varieties available for sale as well as a great selection of other top fruit trees such as Plum, Pear, Peach, Nectarine, Apricot, Cherry to name but a few. We also have a vast choice of Soft Fruit plants too including some more unusual species such as Honeyberries, Cranberries and Goji Berries and for the homebrewers amongst you we also sell Grape Vines and Hop plants.

Some plants such as Grapes, Loganberries can also be sent out of season, as some are available in flexible pots (please enquire for details).

Ultimate heights and size of top fruit trees is achieved by the use of different Rootstocks.

With apple trees for example it is possible to have an ultimate height of 4ft, 8ft or 16ft so trees are available for miniature gardens to complete orchards!

It has to be said that as we are on the Isle of Wight situated in the English Channel and our Nursery is SW/NE, we are very confident that our trees are well hardened off and fit to go to any destination in the country.

Plants are despatched throughout the U.K and many EEC countries.
