Do you know the source of any large containers? Suzanne Overton, UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


I have a solid chalk garden and therefore need to have almost everything in pots. I have some bigish trees and shrubs that I would like to display in really big beautiful pots but I am having trouble finding anything big enough. Please could you give me some leads.
Forum (Hugh):
Dear Suzanne, Very large pots are difficult to make-and very expensive to buy. Trees and shrubs have an expanding root system-if grown in a pot in time they could well break the pot. You could construct large timber containers, or build large containers in block or brick. On the other hand sink holes in the chalk and fill with good soil as planting pits. These plants will have to tolerate a PH of over 7. Going this way you could evolve an attractive layout of plants in the ground with differing containers at various levels. Hope this helps. Best regards Hugh
