Garden and Landscape Design by Laara Copley-Smith

  • 4 June 2021 4:55 pm



Formal, Classical, or Modernist …. the importance is always within the refinement and detail of the design.


Topiary has a multi-dimensional use in the garden. With the flexibility to be used within many design settings. Whatever the ‘concept’ and over-all ‘feel’ of the space, whether Formal, Classical or Modernist, clipped planting and topiary has a place.

Topiary has its roots deep in ancient civilisation. One often equates topiary with the french and Italianlic Gardens, yet its history takes us back to ancient Egypt and Persia.

The Oxford dictionary describes the word ‘Topiary’ as the Art of clipping trees and shrubs into ornamental shapes.
As in Latin ‘Topiarius’ means ‘Ornamental gardener’. However through time we see different and diverse forms of topiary.

I can work with you to create a specific garden space where topiary and clipped form are central elements of structure within the design.

This could range from Pleached Trees, various forms of clipped specimens such as Box, Buxus sempervirens, Cloud topiary and instant hedging elements. To name a few possibilities.
I work with specialist nurseries to offer you a service which will deliver high quality plants and finish.

View the Topiary Gallery


My Garden Design practice offers a comprehensive and professional range of services. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss the potential of your garden project and how we can work together to realise your ‘Vision & Aspirations’

Laara Copley-Smith

Office: 01276 507 345

Mobile: 07947 070 454
