Garden Hoes Sneeboer Hand Hoe/Weeder

  • 4 June 2021 4:56 pm


Manoeuvre with confidence through your beds in search of weeds with the easily navigable Sneeboer Hand Hoe/Weeder, before removing the imposters with the 4cm wide by 6cm deep blade. With a carefully curved 20cm long neck hand forged in Holland in the traditional Sneeboer way between the cherry wood handle and the blade, the hoe can easily reach into spaces weeds thought were safe. Storage is not a problem either; at only 34cm long, the Hand Hoe/Weeder will fit comfortably on any potting shed shelf. "Harrod Horticultural has recently started retailing the range from this Dutch manufacturer. All their products have a nice hand-crafted rustic look to them that I personally find pleasing. This superbly made hand tool is great for getting into those corners and awkward spots that a conventional hoe cannot reach – and is also excellent for cleaning out chicken houses.

Build Quality ***, Value for Money ***, Ease of Use ***. Grow It magazine, August 2008.

For more information, latest pricing and to buy – CLICK HERE
