Garden Photographer of the Year 2008

  • 4 June 2021 4:53 pm


Garden Photographer of the Year 2008
International Call for Entries


© Nicola Browne – POPLARS – Garden Photographer of the Year

Calling all ‘budding’ garden photographers. Are you the next Garden Photographer of The Year? With thousands of pounds worth of prizes up for grabs, this is a unique opportunity for entrants to have their photographs exhibited at a major London venue, alongside some of the world’s most talented photographers in the gardening and landscape world.

The competition and exhibition Garden Photographer of the Year builds on the highly successful Garden Photographers’ Association’s annual competition and exhibition. Over the last eight years, the GPA has staged increasingly prestigious events culminating with the highly acclaimed exhibition “Imagine, Yesterday Today” at Kew Gardens in 2006

The 2007-8 competition has the following categories;
• My Garden
• Plant Portraits
• People and Animals in the Garden and
• An annual changing category, which will be Trees in 2008

Amateur and professional photographers are encouraged to enter single images or themed portfolios. There will be a new special award for Young Garden Photographer of The Year supported by Chris Collins Blue Peter Gardener. Entrants for this category are welcomed from young photographers under the age of 16.

A panel of high-profile industry professionals will judge the competition and the top 100 photographs will be exhibited in London from May to September 2008.

For more details on “How to Enter”, please visit

Previous Winners
In 2006 Nicola Browne took first place in the Nurtured Garden category and went on to be awarded the prestigious accolade of ‘Overall Prize Winner’ for her stunning image entitled ‘Poplars’ – a¬n abstract view of tree trunks in a timber merchant’s garden, Belgium. Other winners from the 2006 competition included Andrea Jones, Carol Sharp and Jill Furmanovsky.

Previous competition judge Chris Beardshaw – television presenter and garden designer, says:
“Our plants and gardens are delightfully dynamic and effervescent – subtly and constantly morphing. So much can be missed at the blink of an eye but, thankfully, it is precisely that precious moment that the camera captures for eternity.”
