Grow – Brogdale Farm – National Fruit Collection

  • 4 June 2021 4:55 pm


Grow – Brogdale Farm – National Fruit Collection – Wholesale Trees – Retail / Mail Order and Garden Centre

The National Fruit Collections at Brogdale are the largest fruit collection in the world growing on one site and comprise over 4,000 fruit varieties: around 2,000 apples, 500 pears, 280 cherries, 300 plums, 50 hazelnuts, 150 gooseberries, 200 currants (black, red, white and pink), as well as small collections of vines, quinces, medlars and apricots.

The Collections are our national fruit heritage: the varieties that have been grown in gardens and orchards for centuries and which have shaped local communities and our landscapes. They are a living gene bank, which forms part of the UK’s contribution to global food security and both a national and international genetic resource.

In addition to having the largest fruit collection in the world growing on one site, we are also a Garden Centre; provide Mail Order and can offer all that is needed needed for successful growing for what is an important part of your living space…your garden, no matter how large or small.

We are experienced in tackling large country estate plantings and design as well as cutting edge city fruitscapes. Across the team we have horticultural and design expertise as well as rather nifty ideas for thrift gardens. Edible spaces are our design speciality and we are always open to enquiries. We also offer assisted plantings for education and go out with schools and community groups to offer hands on planting experiences.

We are continually striving to search out and offer a growing range of garden products, the best plants and complementary crafts people and artists. Here at Grow we believe edible gardening creates a beautiful and functional space that is a real experience to move around and savour.

Search our Online database of all our trees

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We’d love to hear from you, you can get in touch in various ways,

Postal Address:
Brogdale Farm
ME13 8XZ

01795 531 888

[email protected]
