Hanbury Hall

  • 4 June 2021 4:44 pm


Hanbury Hall

Early 18th-century country house, garden and parkland

Completed in 1701, this homely William & Mary-style house is famed for its fine painted ceilings and staircase, and has other fascinating features including an orangery, ice house, pavilions and working mushroom house. The stunning 8-hectare (20-acre) garden, recreated in keeping with the period of the house, is surrounded by 160 hectares (395 acres) of parkland, with beautiful views over the surrounding countryside. The tercentenary exhibition in the Long Gallery interprets the social, family, garden and architectural history

Name and credits for images of Hanbury Hall

Reference: 121491

Description of image – Oblique aerial view of the garden at Hanbury Hall in spring time, showing the Bowling Green and the Parterre. The Parterre is planted with bulbs around the edge, and low hedging.

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Credit for photograph: Stephen Robson

Copyright: ©NTPL/Stephen Robson

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School Road Hanbury Droitwich Spa Worcestershire,WR97EA