Herb Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:52 pm


The Herb Society is an historic and internationally-renowned educational charity dedicated to encouraging the appreciation and use of herbs. We bring together those interested in herbs whether they are professionals or amateurs.

The Society aims to increases the understanding, use and appreciation of herbs and their benefits to health.

We implement our mission by ·

Providing information, knowledge and news on all aspects of herbs.
Bringing together all those with an interest in herbs, from the amateur to the professional.
Providing a world-wide forum for interchange of ideas and information on herbs.
Encouraging the conservation of endangered herbs.
Encourage the sustainable cultivation of herbs.
Developing an interest in herbs amongst all ages and backgrounds.
We have the following major objectives during the next 5 years

Objective 1

Expand and diversify The Society membership while strengthening relationships with current members.

Objective 2

Provide and foster a variety of educational programmes and initiatives that reflect The Society’s mission and direction.

Objective 3

Develop a herbal resource which includes herb gardens, documents, library and electronic media.

Objective 4

Promote the aims and values of The Society to the wider public and internationally.

Objective 5

Ensure that The Society has the financial, technical and people resources necessary to achieve its objectives.


So, if you love herbs, join us!

Benefits of Membership
Free copies of Herbs journal – published 4 times a year (normal price £3 per issue).
Free access to the gardens at Sulgrave Manor (Including the National Garden of the Herb Society) during normal opening times.
Ten per cent discount on products from Culpeper shops (on production of current Society membership card).
Discounts at participating herb nurseries and suppliers.
Reduced fee at all Society events.
Free access, by appointment, to the Society’s historic library at Sulgrave Manor
A free list of UK Herb Gardens to visit
Free information leaflets covering many aspects of herbs.
Opportunity to Network with others with an interest in herbs.

Picture – Sophie Grigson – our new President


Ms Nicolette Westwood Sulgrave Manor Sulgrave Banbury OX17 2SD