How do I get into the landscape design profession? Cami Zaugg, Utah, USA

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


I am a stay at home mom in Utah and would like to get into the landscape design profession. Do you need a degree or certificate to do this? If so, where can I get info. on distance learning? If not, where do I start? I would also like to know about the field. Is there need for landscape designers or is the profession saturated? Any information you could give me would be very helpful. Thanks, Cami
Forum (Hugh):Dear Cami, There is a need for dedicated professional garden/landscape designers – on qualifying your success depends on your work attitude – “it is the job that counts, not the money”, is the best mind frame to have. I recommend you to apply to the Association of Professional Landscape Designers at [email protected] APLD 1924 North Second Street Harrisburg, PA 17102 Fax 717-238-9985 As I am an APLD member in the UK, I am going to pass this email to another member who lives in the US, and ask her to contact you, especially as the APLD started in the US and has most members there. Best regards Hugh O’Connell
Forum (Hugh) to Denise Calabrese for APLD USA: Dear Denise, Please can you get in touch with Cami as per the enclosed email? ‘Always encouraging APLD membership even from across the pond’! What is the membership now how close to the target? Please keep me informed – and you might like to have a look at our new pages under Environmental Projects. All the best Hugh PS Cami’s enquiry and my reply will go up on the Forum pages.
From Denise Calabrese, on behalf of APLD USA: You are the BEST, Hugh! We currently stand at 954 dues-paying members. I really want to hit 1,000 members, so thank you for encouraging membership! I’ll answer Cami right away. Denise p.s. The new pages look GREAT!
