Just how much of a problem is it if a sewer runs through my property? Margaret Collingson, UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


Dear Hugh Can you give me links to appropriate professional associations of landscape designers from which I could locate designers and constructors in my area who are known to achieve certain standards of service and quality. Also I am just prior to the exchange of contracts stage of a new house purchase and have discovered from sight of the plans that a sewer runs through the middle of the small garden. Just how much of a problem is this likely to be for landscape design and construction. Is it ‘ total disaster, forget this property’ or is it ‘bit of a nuisance but nothing desperate’. From whom could I seek advice about this? Margaret.
Forum (Hugh):
Dear Margaret, Where are you? This with regards to your question location of designers and constructors. Regarding the sewer presumable it is piped therefore would be located underground to a minimum local authority depth, (check with your local authority) and is the garden level, or on a slope? Provided it meets local authority standards I can’t see a design problem. My web site under the Society of Garden Designers banner (click it) will bring up the Society web page. Also on the Garden Forum page I have BALI The British Association of Landscape Industries (in one of the email strings, click it) who list all their contractor members. You should be able to find a contractor, and a designer. Regards Hugh
