Kate Poore Garden Design A courtyard garden in Cobham Surrey

  • 4 June 2021 4:52 pm


Courtyard Garden, Cobham, Surrey
The clients, a young professional couple wanted a fairly low maintenance garden with an area for dining out and entertaining. A water feature was required (not a pond) and whilst being open minded about the style they did not want a lawn or bright colours with either planting or hard material.
The design incorporated two seating areas, one nearer the house for morning sun and one at the far end to take advantage of the late afternoon sun and to provide a private and secluded area for relaxing and entertaining in the evening. A rill, the source of which comes from a water feature at the far end of the garden links the two seating areas. A reinforced glass slab allows access over the rill and allows an uninterupted view of the water from the terrace. A large proportion of the planting is evergreen or foliage shrubs and climbers to provide privacy and seclusion.
