Ken Muir Ltd – Speciality Fruit

  • 4 June 2021 4:44 pm
  • Essex, England


Ken Muir Ltd

Honeypot Farm,
Rectory Road ,
Weeley Heath ,
Essex, CO16 9BJ
United Kingdom
Telephone 01255 830181
Fax (01255) 831534

Email [email protected]


Opening Times1000-1600.
Mail Order Yes

Speciality Fruit.

About Ken Muir

Ken Muir began a career in commercial fruit growing in 1948 at the age of 22, having been interested in the subject since his schoolboy days. In 1965, he set up the mail order company with the purpose of supplying the best and most up-to-date varieties to the gardening enthusiast. Today, Ken Muir is the largest mail order supplier of top fruits and soft fruits in the U.K.

Quality stocks …..
Ken Muir has for 40 years been satisfying customers with healthy planting stocks. Before the plants get anywhere near customers, a range of continuous processes and checks are conducted to ensure the highest quality stocks are produced.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) regularly inspect our stocks by walking the nurseries at least twice each summer during the growing period. They grade our plants for quality and health and we are proud that we have been supplying Ministry Certified Stocks since 1965.

And our quality control procedures do not end there. Once lifted, every plant is re-inspected by our own quality control team, and packed with great care ensuring they arrive on your doorstep in the best condition.
12 month guarantee …..
We are so confident of our quality that we offer a 12 month guarantee on all fruit stocks (except strawberry plants) and ornamental trees. Strawberry plants and all other plants and bulbs carry a 6 month guarantee. This means in the event of a plant dying within the guarantee period, a free replacement will be sent. Please see our Terms of Business >>>

Twelve Gold Medals at the Chelsea Flower Show …..
Ken Muir has exhibited strawberry plants at the Chelsea Flower Show since 1970, and has now accumulated over 30 medals including 12 Gold Medals in 1980, 1988, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005 and 2007.

We lead the field …..
We introduced the concept of ‘Pick and Pay’ back in the 1950s and were the first growers to supply Marks and Spencer with fresh strawberries for the punnet trade. We have introduced more varieties of strawberry into the home market than any other company or individual – the best known being ‘Elsanta’ which is now the leading supermarket variety.

We have also remained loyal to many good old varieties still worthy of a place in a British Garden and pride ourselves on our range of more unusual plants, unobtainable from garden centres, many with the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.
A helping hand all the way…..
We recognise the importance of providing up-to-date information on cultural practices in a clear and concise manner that can be understood by even the inexperienced person who has never grown fruit before. To this end we have produced a 194 page full colour handbook ‘Grow Your Own Fruit’ which comes free with your first fruit stocks order. (Customers ordering strawberry plants only will receive a copy of ‘Grow Your Own Strawberries’).

We have also established a reputation for providing an efficient after-sales advisory service on growing fruit in a garden situation when problems arise. It is because of our desire to ensure that each and every customer benefits from our great practical experience that Ken Muir has become the most popular mail order supplier of fruit stocks in the U.K.

