Les Jardins Agapanthe

  • 4 June 2021 4:53 pm
  • France


Les Jardins Agapanthe,

Grigneuseville Halfway between Dieppe and Rouen to the east of Totes, on N29. Open April 1-November 1, 2-7pm, daily except Wednesdays. Plants for sale. Admission €7 (0033 235 333205; www.jardins-agapanthe.fr)

Travel from Folkestone to Calais via Eurotunnel (www.eurotunnel.com) costs from £49.

Visiting other Normandy gardens
All these gardens are in the vicinity of Dieppe and Rouen, and are well signposted but a good map is essential. Opening times are valid for this year.

Les Jardins Agapanthe, Grigneuseville Halfway between Dieppe and Rouen to the east of Totes, on N29. Open April 1-November 1, 2-7pm, daily except Wednesdays. Plants for sale. Admission €7 (0033 235 333205; www.jardins-agapanthe.fr)

Le Jardin Plume, Auzouvillesur-Ry, Martainville Open March 3- November 3, Wed and Sat, 10am-12pm and 2-6pm; Thurs, Fri and Sun 2-6pm; closed Mondays and Tuesdays (0033 235 230001; www.lejardinplume.com).

Clos du Coudray, Etaimpuis Open April 1-October 31, daily 10am-7pm, last entry 6pm.
Admission €7.5 (0033 235.34.9685; www.leclosducoudray.com).

