Mammillaria Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


What is the Mammillaria Society?
The Mammillaria Society was founded over 40 years ago with the aim of promoting and furthering the study of the cactus genus Mammillaria.

This was later extended to include Coryphantha and allied genera such as Escobaria, Thelocactus, Gymnocactus and Neolloydia.

Who are its Members?
The Society has a world-wide membership. Members range from professional botanists to enthusiastic amateurs. All share a common love of the genus and a wish to increase their own knowledge and share this with fellow members.

What are the benefits to Members?
Four Journals each year

An annual seed offer, with the varied choice usually including habitat collected seed

Occasional study groups set up to examine particular aspects of the hobby

Books on Mammillaria and allied genera

What is in the Journal?
The Mammillaria Society Journal is published quarterly, starting in February each year, usually in the second half of the month. The normal format includes:

Up to 12 pages of articles and features covering a wide range of subjects for both beginners and advanced collectors.

Members are invited to contribute articles, notes and letters and share their views and experiences

2 pages of high quality black and white photographs ( 4 photographs)

1 page of high quality colour photographs ( 2 7"x5" photographs).

What else is available to Members?
Journal back numbers are sold by volume. Recent years are much in demand and several years have already sold out.

The Society has its own badge, available only to members.

The Society is a member of The Cactus Mall

Several books have been published or made available by the Society.


Mr C Baker - Secretary/Treasurer 22 Stirling Road Chichester PO19 2ES