Mucklestone Nursery

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm
  • Shropshire, England


Mucklestone Nurseries is a traditional specialist plant nursery with an exceptional range of trees, shrubs and perennials .

William and Louise Friend operate two plant nurseries , One in Kent specialising in ‘Mediterranean’ plants, suited to the dry, exposed but mild micro-climate of the Isle of Thanet,(RHS code SEND) and here at Mucklestone Nurseries they grow a complementary range of plants suited to the moister, more acidic conditions of the west and north of Britain, such as azaleas, heathers, rhododendrons, bamboos, birches, rowans, acers and herbaceous perennials.(RHS code MMuc) . A comprehensive range of plants are grown across the two sites for most UK conditions.

Visitors are free to browse around both the nursery and the garden /arboretum areas around the nursery, farmhouse, fishing ponds and business centre. This collection allows plants to be propagated from stock of proven hardy-ness and suitability to the area for visitors to see how the plants grow.

Mucklestone Nurseries are in a stunning location, with views across to North Wales and Shropshire, and across to Mucklestone Church. The Nurseries form part of Church Farm which has extensive native woodlands, ponds and natural unimproved meadows. It is managed to enhance these habitats for the many threatened species such as wild daffodils and native dormice, found on the farm. An open afternoon is held on the first Saturday after Easter, with teas provided by Mucklestone W.I in St. Mary’s Church. A nature trail of around a mile follows tracks through woods and fields , including the Winnington Drumble a local beauty spot with waterfalls, ferns and wild garlic. The trail remains open to nursery visitors from 5th April -5th May. with an ever changing succession of native spring flowers .

Our own grown Christmas trees are available , specimens cut to order, during the end of November , early December

William is available by appointment (01843 862060, m.07714241668), to give talks to garden or other groups in the area. Plants from both nurseries are available on the website for mail order and can be taken to either nursery for collection. JANET is at the nursery from Wed-Fri , all year, and Sats April-Sept , closed Sundays. Peter is on call from the business centre to assist on Mons & Tues. but if coming far please check first. 01630 674284, or

mob.07929 178751 , [email protected]

Mucklestone Business Centre is home to a wide range of local businesses. Can we help you ? .

Day and Annual Fishing permits are available of our fishing lakes . – enquire at the nursery .

Opening Times

Mon-Fri , all year, and Sats April-Sept , closed Sundays. ( Mons & Tues call for attn)
01630 674284, or mob.07929 178751 , [email protected]

Facebook link has changed , now under William Friend – Mucklestone Nurseries .

