Muncaster Castle

  • 4 June 2021 4:53 pm


Described as the ‘Gateway to Paradise’ by John Ruskin, Muncaster gardens offer over 70 acres of wild beauty.

The spectacular views of the Lakeland Fells act as backdrop to the rare and unusual plants in the rugged Himalayan Garden, the Georgian Terrace Walk and the delightful charms of Church Wood.
The landscaped areas, first planted in the 1780’s, are contrasted by the wild woods, home to hundreds of rhododendrons both species and hybrids.

A great plant hunting tradition flourishes at Muncaster. Thousands of specimens from the Far East, have been grown from seed collected on expeditions from the 1800’s to the present day.
The bluebells in the high woods should not be missed in late April and early May. No matter what time of year you visit, there is always something in flower and new discoveries to be made.
The Victorian Kitchen Garden, recently renovated, hosts a traditional vegetable garden, a carefully researched herb and physic garden and a Plant Centre as well as some aviaries of the famous World Owl Centre.
