My garden is only 7 to 8 yards wide and has steps that go all the way up to the top – is there a design that would suit? Lady based in Nottingham, UK

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


Dear Hugh, I have been reading some of the questions people have sent and wondered if you could help me, I live in Nottingham, I have been looking on the internet for a garden design that I could do in my garden, the council have just put new fences up in the back gardens and my garden is a mess, so my husband said we will change it, it’s difficult as my garden is only 7 to 8 yards wide and has steps that go all the way up to the top, we have a patio at the top which is only small and one at the bottom I have only seen designs for flat gardens, have you any idea where I can find a site that has designs for gardens like mine, thanks Patricia
Forum (Hugh):Dear Patricia, You won’t find a garden design on the internet to fit your needs! OK, The best approach is NOT to fight the problem but go with it. The steps, are they the full width of your garden, or are they a part of the width? If they are part of the width the ground on each side could be used, and stepped in wider sections reflecting the steps. Rose arches could then span the steps, these planted with roses, clematis, wisteria, etc,or you could put pots on the steps. Doing this would link the two patio areas you have with a colourful corridor. Hope this helps, Best wishes, Hugh
