NCCPG 2007 Plant Directory

  • 4 June 2021 4:52 pm


Find new and different plants through 2007 NCCPG Directory

Looking for new and different plants – something to lift your gardening beyond the general selection available at garden centres? Then the new NCCPG National Plant Collection directory is a good starting point. It lists some 660 National Plant Collections around the UK. Most Collections have open days where you can see a wider range of each plant group growing in garden settings, making it easier to imagine them in your own garden.

NCCPG National Plant Collection holders are pleased to share their wealth of knowledge at open days. Collection holders can be individuals with back garden collections, or publicly-open gardens, or nurseries specialising in the plant in question. Many have informative websites to guide you through the huge range of plants available, and these are also listed in the NCCPG’s directory. The NCCPG directory is free to members, or available at £5 (£6.50 inc. p&p) from, by calling 01483 211465, or from April in the major branches of W H Smith. Production of NCCPG’s 2007 directory is sponsored by Brother UK Ltd.

The National Plant Collections system is administered by NCCPG – the National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens. NCCPG has its own specialist Plant Heritage marquee at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show in July. NCCPG has a special membership offer for those joining at Hampton Court: a free gift of Gardeners’ Therapies Nourishing Hand Scrub and Massage Bar from Scottish Fine Soaps, plus a free quality gardening magazine.


The Stable Courtyard Wisley Garden Woking Surrey,GU236QP