New Plants at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm


New Plants at Hampton Court Palace

Flower Show

Culm View Nursery

Contact: Brian Jacobs
Address: Waterloo Farm, Clayhidon, Devon

Tel: 01823 680698, Email: [email protected]

§ Cosmos atrosanguineus ‘Chocamocha’ – a plant with velvety, maroon-bronze flowers with a chocolate scent. A compact form which grows to a height of 35cm. Flowers from June onwards.
§ Rudbeckia occidentalis ‘Green Wizard’ – a striking plant with bright green sepals surrounding a black central cone. Grows to a height of 1m. Flowers June – October.

Philip Tivey & Son

Contact: Chris Tivey

Address: 103 Barkby Road, Syston, LE7 2AH
Tel: 0116 260 4446, Email: [email protected]
§ Alstroemeria ‘Blushing Bride’ – a white/pink, tall cultivar (60-120cm)
§ Alstroemeria ‘Little Miss Natalie’ – a dwarf cultivar (21cm) ideal for container growing.Cream with pink blush

Amrulree Exotics

Contact: Simon Gridley
Address: The Turnpike, Norwich Road, Fundenhall, Norwich, Norfolk NR16 1EL
Tel: 01508 488101, Email: [email protected]
§ Butia capitata var. odorata – a very rare Butia and a new introduction from the mountain areas of Brazil. This palm has blue-green arching leaves and an elegant thin trunk. It is ideal for small gardens as it only reaches 3m high.

§ Musa sikkimensis ‘Red Tiger’ – a banana that has been tissue cultured to produce vibrant red slashes and stripes across the surface of the leaf and to keep a dark purple flush underneath.

New roses to be launched in the Festival of Roses marquee

Every year, the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show is chosen as the platform for unveiling the Rose of the Year including several other brand new roses. This year, twenty new roses will be launched in the Festival of Roses marquee, more than ever before.

Rose of the Year 2007, Rosa Tickled Pink. (‘Fryhunky’)
Introduced by Fryer’s Nurseries (01565 755455) and Roses UK (01243 389532)
This is a bold and impressive floribunda with masses of large and scented full petalled blooms in a seductive shade of pink, carried in enormous trusses on a vigorous plant that has good resistance to disease. Free flowering, it is also exceptionally easy to grow.

R. Nurse Tracey Davies (‘Frykookie’)

Introduced by Fryer’s Nurseries

A neat and compact low growing border rose with masses of bright golden blooms that hold their richness until petal drop. The flowers are well formed and borne in good-sized clusters on bushy growth with dark green, highly disease resistant foliage. Specially named in memory of Nurse Tracey Davies, who died aged 40 after a long battle with cancer.

R. Golden Smiles (‘Frykeyno’)
Introduced by Fryer’s Nurseries
The brilliant golden-yellow flowers of this floribunda rose are beautifully formed and produced in good-sized clusters on a bushy growing plant with excellent disease resistant foliage that excels in all weathers. This is a superb rose for bedding and mass planting.

R. Strawberry Hill (‘Ausrimini’)
Introduced by David Austin Roses (01902 376330)

Strawberry Hill bears medium sized, pure rose-pink, cupped rosettes of superb quality; the colour gradually paling to a lighter pink at the edges eventually exposing a few yellow stamens at the centre: beautiful at all stages. It has a particularly fine myrrh fragrance with a hint of lemon. Its growth is tall, vigorous and rather informal and is slightly arching, with healthy and glossy, dark green leaves. Strawberry Hill is a beautiful house at Twickenham, built in the style of the Gothic revival, by the first British Prime Minister, Horace Walpole. Height and spread: 120 x 120cms.

R. Fern’s Rose
Introduced by Bill LeGrice Roses (01603 784466)

This rose is named for the television presenter Fern Britton. A creamy-yellow scented floribunda, growing 60-90cms in height and giving masses of flower all summer long. For every rose sold a donation will be made to the charity Women for Women, of which Fern is a keen supporter.

R. Zest for Life (‘Worantler’)

Introduced by World of Roses (01767 310888)

This is an orange-blend floribunda, growing to around 45cms in height and delicately scented. The parents of Ross Jones, who died in a road traffic accident in January 2005, are naming this rose in his memory and helping to raise funds for a worthwhile charity. Ross was a former student at the Thomas Adams School, which is situated in North Shropshire in the small market town of Wem. The School has formed a working partnership with Miriu Secondary School in Kenya. Miriu is a poorly resourced school in a remote rural area near Lake Victoria.

R. Dreamdrops (‘Woraddiion’)

Introduced by World of Roses

A shrub rose with apricot, lightly fragranced blooms offset by dark green, glossy foliage. This rose will help to raise funds for Dreamdrops charity to support Holly Ward in the maternity unit at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon. The ward provides essential treatment and care for sick children.

R. Judith Blacklock Rose(‘Worabacus’)

Introduced by World of Roses

A deep pink, shading to light-red strongly scented floribunda, growing to about 60cm. This superb rose produces blooms all summer long. It will help raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Society, the UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. Judith Blacklock is the editor of the Flower Arranger Magazine and it was her initiative to name this rose to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Society.

R. Growing Hope (‘Worasia’)

Introduced by World of Roses

This deep red floribunda rose grows to around 80cm and has a powerful fragrance. It will help raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis Trust, the only national charity in the UK funding research, supporting people with Cystic Fibrosis and their families.

R. The Crimestoppers Rose (‘Woradvantage’)

Introduced by World of Roses
This medium red floribunda rose grows to around 80cm and has a delicate fragrance. It has glossy green foliage and good disease resistance. It will raise funds for the Crimestoppers Charity, in conjunction with the Hertfordshire Police Authority.

R. The Catherine Petre Rose (‘Worash’)

Introduced by World of Roses

Named in celebration of the 90th birthday of the Federation of Essex Women’s Institute, this medium red floribunda rose grows to 80cm in height and has a delicate fragrance. It has glossy green foliage and good disease resistance. The rose is named after Lady Catherine Petre, who worked tirelessly to form the Essex Federation in 1917 and became their first Federation County Chairman.

R. Call Red (‘Worantarctic’)

Introduced by World of Roses

This slightly scented orange and pink floribunda has glossy green foliage and grows to about 60cms in height It will benefit the County Air Ambulance, the operational name of the West Midlands Air Ambulance Appeal.

R. My Girl (‘Tan00798’)
Introduced by Apuldram Roses (01243 785769)
This large flowered cultivar from Rosen Tantau has very full, light yellow flowers, with dark shading to the centre of the bloom. Flowers are produced singly or in small clusters on stout stems and have a powerful, sweet fragrance. Foliage is glossy, large and medium green. It flowers early and repeats rapidly and cut blooms last well. Grows to a height of approx 90cm.

R. Honeybun (‘Tan98264’) and R. Little Cherub (‘Tan00814’)
Introduced by Pococks Roses (01794 367500)
Both compact patio cultivars from Rosen Tantau and new additions to the Roses of Endearment Collection. Honeybun has mandarin-orange coloured flowers, unique in garden roses. The spiral buds open to rosette shaped, double flowers which are carried well above the glossy, olive-green foliage. It flowers early and repeats rapidly until the first frost. Plant height approx.35cm and spread approx. 30cm.
Little Cherub has clusters of dark red flowers graduating to bright red at the centre of the bloom. Flowers are carried well above the mid-green, glossy foliage. ‘Little Cherub’ flowers early and repeats well until the first frost.

R. Eloise (‘Kirsandra’)
Introduced by C&K Jones (01829 740663)
This hybrid tea has vivid salmon-orange blooms that are offset by dark glossy foliage. This strong healthy rose grows to a height of approx 90cms. The rose will benefit the charity Sands (stillbirth and neonatal death society).

R. Summer Beauty (‘Kororbe’)
Introduced by Mattocks Roses (01394 383344)
A multi-award winning floribunda from the Kordes line. The apricot blooms which form in medium sized clusters, are lightly scented and borne in great abundance. The healthy foliage is dark green and glossy.

R. County of Yorkshire (‘Korstarnow’) and R. County of Hampshire (‘Korverlandus’)
Introduced by Mattocks Roses (01394 383344)
County of Yorkshire has dazzling white, lightly scented, semi-double blooms which are borne in great abundance on a ground hugging bush (H50cm x W50cm). A good garden plant for mixed borders, mass planting or in a container, County of Hampshire has vibrant pink blooms that are carried in great profusion (H30cm x W50cm). An excellent rose for window boxes and excellent in general planting. Both of these cultivars are award winners from Kordes.

R. ‘Thumbs Up’
Introduced by Peter Beales Roses (01953 454707)
An unusual but charming rose, large, fully double, scented flowers of soft yellow with pastel pink stripes as if applied with a brush. The blooms are freely produced in clusters all summer through. Growth is vigorous, bushy and slightly arching, making it a shrub rose, which can easily be adapted as a climber. This rose is introduced on behalf of the late Colin Horner’s family as one of his outstanding roses. Colin was a talented and much respected amateur rose breeder. He passed away in late 2005 having been a victim of Motor Neurone Disease. 10% of the proceeds from the sales of this rose over the next three years will be donated to Motor Neurone Disease Association.
